Trying to find new ways to keep your brain and body healthy are extremely important if you plan on living a long and active life. Many people over the years have utilized Fish Oil supplements in order to gain the many benefits of omega-3 fatty acid. These rewards do not come without some side effects, which we further explain below.
What Is Fish Oil?
Fish Oil is a substance that comes from the tissues of many fish, mainly sourced from cold water. While you might be able to get enough fish oil from increasing your seafood intake, many people choose to take supplements instead.
This substance is extremely concentrated with omega-3 fats that can provide your body with tremendous health benefits when taken in the right dosages. The best natural sources of fish oil include herring, salmon anchovies, sardines and white fish.
Fish Oil Benefits
Here is a list of some of the main nootropic-related benefits of fish oils…
- Help with ADHD
- Vital for brain function
- Treats anxiety symptoms
- Helps arthritis
- Can treat symptoms of depression
Helps Increase Focus
Fish Oil has been able to benefit many individuals who suffer from ADHD. Taking enough fish oil on a daily basis has been shown to reduce symptoms of ADHD and boost your ability to focus. It has been able to benefit people’s literacy as well as behavior.
Helps Prevent Cognitive Decline
Cognitive decline due to late-life memory disorders are incredibly disastrous to your health and can require you to need assistance with everyday activities. Fatty acids in Fish Oil have been shown to help slow cognitive decline and prevent atrophy of neural tissues in the brain.
Fish Oil has been shown to help relieve anxiety and reduce symptoms of depression in studies done on rats.
Immune System Benefits
In addition to these benefits, Fish Oil has been able to help people who suffer from arthritis, help optic issues, boost your immune system function, and help improve the health of your skin and hair. Many people have also used Fish Oil in order to help play a key role in sperm health and mobility, while also helping female fertility.
Fish Oil Side Effects
Some side effects of fish oil can include:
- Digestive issues
- Bad breath
- Gas
Side effects are common when taking too much of any supplement. Fish Oil side effects can include gas, bad breath, digestion issues like heartburn, nausea, irregular stools, and nosebleeds. Many people find taking fish oil on a full stomach can help decrease these side effects.
Fish Oil Benefits – Summary
Overall, it is quite apparent that Fish Oil is incredible for brain health and should be used regularly. Taking too much Fish Oil can cause side effects that while not too serious, can cause some discomfort. Making sure you find out the proper dosage to take is important and can be done by either checking your bottle or by discussing it with a doctor.
I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).