Zyalix Review: Should You Buy These Male Enhancement Pills?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Male Enhancement

Zyalix is a natural male enhancement supplement that just about everyone has heard of at this point…it’s one of those supplements you see on TV and always wonder whether or not it really works when you see it.

I’m about to answer that question once and for all…read this Zyalix review to learn why I do NOT recommend it, OR, save yourself some time and skip to our top 10 here: Best Male Enhancement Supplements Comparison.

Sneak peek: The #1 ranked male enhancement supplement on that list straight up changed my sex life forever…I consistently get high quality hard erections, my wife is happy with our sex life, and I feel like an absolute ANIMAL in between the sheets…I highly recommend checking that stuff out.

Prefer watching our reviews? Head down to the conclusion of this article and check out our video review. Sometimes watching is more fun than reading, we get it.

Claimed Benefits of Zyalix

Here are the Zyalix benefits as reported by the manufacturer:

  • Can boost libido
  • May increase sexual stamina
  • Helps you easily achieve erections
  • Increases sex drive and confidence

How Does Zyalix Work?

Natural remedies for erectile dysfunction generally fall under two categories. The first category is nitric oxide boosting ingredients. Nitric oxide boosters can dilate your blood vessels thereby allowing blood to flow more easily throughout the body, which means the user may be more easily able to achieve an erection as a result.

While improving blood flow is really the primary key when it comes to male enhancement, the second vital component is just as important. You need libido boosting ingredients just as badly as you need nitric oxide boosters because how is an erection at all helpful to you if you have no desire to use it?

An increase in sex drive is one of the most important benefits of a male enhancement supplement. The combination of increased libido and optimized blood flow is ultimately the reason that natural remedies for erectile dysfunction can be so useful. In some instances, the natural herbs and vitamins can be better for erectile dysfunction than even the prescription pills.

The body often responds to natural ingredients in a much healthier way than synthetic ingredients, but you need to make sure you pick the best formula. We aren’t huge fans of the Zyalix formula or the fact that they charge about $90 per month, which is why we recommend you check out some of our other male enhancement reviews to see our favorite supplements.

Zyalix Ingredients

Here’s a list of the key Zyalix ingredients:

  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • L-Arginine
  • Saw Palmetto

Ginkgo Biloba Extract

Ginkgo Biloba is in our opinion one of the most beneficial nutrients you can consume when it comes to male enhancement. Research has shown Ginkgo to be a multi-purpose ingredient. It can potentially help nitric oxide boosters like L-Arginine (the next ingredient) more efficiently do their jobs.

The second purpose it has is to boost libido and testosterone levels. Recall the two primary components of male enhancement we discussed before…nitric oxide boosting and libido boosting. Theoretically, this ingredient could accomplish both to some extent.


This is your nitric oxide booster, or your blood flow optimizer. With the help of L-Arginine and Ginko Biloba, you should have very little trouble achieving an erection. Studies have shown L-Arginine to be effective the vast majority of the time.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is believed to be able to extend the duration of your sexual experiences. In other words, it helps you last longer. That theory in addition to the idea that it boosts your sex drive can make this a very valuable ingredient.

Zyalix Reviews From REAL Users

It’s important to explore the user reviews in order to see what type of experiences people are having with the supplement. Often times, everything appears very promising on the website, but then the product ends up being a dud.

One of our favorite places to go when we’re searching for genuine reviews submitted by verified customers is Amazon because their reviews are generally trustworthy.

In this case, we found that Zyalix has received an average rating of 3.1 stars on Amazon out of a total of 18 reviews. A 3.1 star average is pretty unimpressive, but what’s even worse is the fact that 50% of users only gave the product a 1 star rating…needless to say, the Zyalix reviews we found on Amazon do not bode well for the product.

With that being said, 33% of people rated it 5 stars, so it appears that Zyalix is at least working for about a third of its users. Either way, at the end of the day, we simply aren’t confident enough in the formula to be able to recommend this product.

The Pros

  • Includes an excellent compilation of known herbs and vitamins for erectile dysfunction
  • Covers both nitric oxide boosting and libido boosting
  • Some people enjoyed their experience with the product

The Cons

  • It has multiple negative user reviews
  • It is extremely expensive (the website says you get charged every month for about $90). Typically, male enhancement supplements are about $60

The Verdict on Zyalix

Zyalix overall is a pretty decent supplement as far as we can tell. The ingredient list is fairly impressive, and the website is very well put together. However, the user experiences were very mixed, which we found to be slightly concerning.

When all is said and done, we don’t believe there is enough evidence for us to be able to confidently recommend this stuff. We only recommend supplements when we are certain they can work, which is why we would encourage you to explore our Male Enhancement page before making a decision.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).