Skinny Fit Skinny Greens Review: Does It Actually Work?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Green Drinks & Superfood Drinks

Skinny fit skinny greensSkinny Greens is quickly becoming one of the most popular greens powder supplements on the market, which is why we felt compelled to do a review. In this Skinny Fit Skinny Greens review, we’ll break down the ingredients, price, taste, and more.

Read this Skinny Greens review to learn whether or not our Certified Nutrition Coach recommends it! Is Skinny Fit a legit company? Does Skinny Greens actually work? We’ll answer these questions and more in our comprehensive review below.

This product is NOT one of our top recommended greens powders, nor is it one of top recommended weight loss supplements. If you want to learn about 10 greens powder supplements we believe are better than this one, click here: TOP SUPERFOOD POWDERS.

Skinny Greens Review by a Certified Nutrition Coach: Is Skinny Greens by Skinny Fit any good?

Skinny Greens is a very average greens powder. In fact, it’s technically below average when it comes to the most important metric, which is the amount of superfoods per serving. Each serving of Skinny Greens only provides about 7,000 milligrams worth of superfoods, which is very low.

To put that into perspective, high end greens powders on average tend to provide around 10,000 milligrams worth of superfoods in every serving. Our top ranked greens powder, the TOTAL LIVING DRINK actually provides 15,000 milligrams per serving, making it more than twice as potent as Skinny Greens.

Okay, so we have established that this is not by any means a top shelf greens powder, but can it help you lose weight as the name of the product suggests? As a Nutrition Coach, my analysis of what they call their “waist slimming blend” tells me that there is a very low chance this supplement could help actually lead to weight loss. Here’s why…

Their weight loss blend only has an overall potency of 320 milligrams per serving and only contains 3 ingredients. That’s nowhere near potent enough to produce any sort of weight loss benefits in my opinion. You would need an overall potency of roughly 3-5 times that size in order for this to be a truly effective weight loss supplement…I’ll explain more later on in the ingredients section.

My Personal Skinny Greens Results and Experience

As a NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, I feel it’s part of my job to personally test the supplements that I review, so I went ahead and bought Skinny Greens to try it out for you! I bought a 30 day supply with the intention of taking Skinny Greens for 30 days, but I actually could not finish it due to some of the side effects I was experiencing when taking it. Let’s dive into my personal results…

One thing I noticed right off the bat when taking Skinny Greens was a natural energy boost. This could be a welcome benefit for some, but for me personally, it was actually too intense. It’s my opinion that the formula contains too many stimulants, and this is why it made me feel so anxious and strange. I simply didn’t like the way it made me feel, but that’s just a personal opinion. Also worth noting…I personally chose the green apple flavor, and it did not taste good. If you’re going to try it, don’t get the green apple flavor. So what about the health benefits?

I figured I would take it for at least a few more days despite how uncomfortable it made me feel just to see if it would eventually start producing some health benefits. Most greens powders I have tried generally help improve digestive health, immune health, gut health, brain health, and more. Usually, you notice many of these benefits almost right away, but that was not the case with Skinny Greens. It just didn’t really do anything for me aside from giving me anxiety.

One question a lot of clients ask me about Skinny Greens is: can it actually help with weight loss? Here’s what I will say with regard to weight loss. If Skinny Greens can help you lose weight, it would be because the stimulants (green tea, caffeine, etc) in the product can serve as effective appetite suppressants. Have you ever drank a particularly strong cup of coffee and lost your appetite? That’s kind of how this supplement made me feel, so I could see how it may have weight loss benefits in that way.

Bottom Line: I personally didn’t experience any health benefits when taking Skinny Greens aside from a natural energy boost, and the formula is far too weak for me to feel comfortable recommending it. I did not get good results with it and would NOT recommend it to any of my clients or readers. There are a ton of greens powder supplements that are far better, and if its weight loss you seek, there are a ton of natural fat burner supplements that are far better as well.

What does Skinny Greens do?

What does Skinny Greens do for you? Skinny Greens is a super greens powder designed to help provide you with your daily dosage of superfoods, vegetables, and fruits. Most people do not get enough of these nutrients every day, but if you do, you can see improvements in digestion, immunity, and much more.

Effective greens powders contain extracts of natural fruits and vegetables as well as vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, digestive enzymes, herbs, algae, grasses, and more. This powerful blend of organic ingredients can produce truly amazing health benefits with regard to your immune system, gut health, mental health, weight management, digestive health, blood pressure, heart health, cognitive function, cholesterol, and so much more.

Skinny Greens was created to produce the aforementioned benefits, but the problem is that the formula is too weak to actually produce benefits. It only contains 7,000 MG worth of superfoods in every serving, which is nowhere near enough to produce any real benefits…that’s a major problem and the main reason I do NOT recommend this supplement.

The name of the product also implies that it may help you lose weight or get “skinny,” but there’s nothing in the formula that would lead me to believe that. It contains 3 ingredients that are often used in formulas of weight loss supplements, but the ingredients are all severely under dosed, and 3 ingredients just isn’t enough to get the job done. Top shelf weight loss products have at least 8-10 active ingredients in them.

Skinny Greens ingredients list

Here are the primary Skinny Greens ingredients:

  • Lemon juice powder
  • Organic chlorella powder
  • Organic spirulina powder
  • Organic spinach leaf powder
  • Organic wheat grass powder
  • Organic moringa leaf powder
  • Organic alfalfa powder
  • Ashwagandha root powder
  • Organic turmeric root extract
  • American ginseng root extract
  • Rhodiola root powder
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Probiotics
  • Glucomannan
  • Green tea leaf extract
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Coconut water powder
  • Organic matcha
  • Artichoke extract
  • Acacia fiber

Wholesome Superfood Blend

The primary blend used in the formula is called the Wholesome Superfood Blend, which accounts for a total of 3,405 milligrams worth of nutrients per serving. This blend contains some great ingredients including Organic Spirulina Powder, Organic Chlorella Powder, Organic Wheat Grass Powder, Organic Alfalfa Powder, Organic Moringa Leaf Powder, Artichoke extract, Spinach leaf powder, lemon juice powder, and more.

However, the problem is the dosage of the overall blend as a whole is way too small. The fact that the ingredients are good becomes irrelevant if the dosages are too small, which is the case here. There are plenty of good superfoods in this blend, but the blend as a whole is just not potent enough to produce any really noticeable health benefits for the user.

The most important part of every green drink formula is the superfood blend, so this is a major problem. As a Nutrition Coach, I’d never recommend this product to any of my clients, and as the person writing this review, I would never recommend this product to any of you guys either…steer clear at all costs. I don’t like using the word “scam,” but that word does come to mind here.

The biggest problem I have with this greens powder is the health claims the company makes and the way it is marketed as a “slimming greens blend.” There may be some ingredients in here that can help you lose weight, but there’s really no such thing as a slimming greens blend. Certain ingredients can help suppress appetite and boost energy levels, but it’s confusing to refer to the superfoods themselves as a “slimming greens blend” because it simply doesn’t make much sense. They aren’t meant to be weight loss inducing nutrients.

Gut Renewing Probiotic Blend

Skinny Greens contains what they call a “gut renewing probiotic blend” that provides 2,530 milligrams worth of nutrients per serving. The probiotic blend and digestive enzyme blend includes acacia fiber, bromelain, amylase, lactase, cellulase, and more. All of the ingredients in this blend can either be classified as probiotics or digestive enzymes.

Probiotic and digestive enzyme blend components are important for greens powder supplements to include because they help ensure your body properly digests, absorbs, and utilizes the superfoods you are consuming. They also improve overall gastrointestinal health, so it’s great to see these ingredients included in this formula. With that being said, the problem is again that they are severely under dosed, which means you probably are not going to experience noticeable health benefits.

Probiotics are the key to improving your gut health, which means they are critical with regard to their role in green powder supplements. They are essentially healthy bacteria that help flush out unhealthy bacteria in your gut, thereby proving your gut microbiome. Good gut health leads to all sorts of other benefits including improved digestive health, better bowel movements, and even enhanced cognitive function due to the gut brain connection. This is why they branded the blend as the gut renewing probiotic blend.

Mood Boosting Adaptogen Blend

The Skinny Fit Skinny Greens mood boosting adaptogen blend is very weak at only 670 milligrams per serving. This number is so insignificant that the blend almost isn’t even worth considering. With that being said, it does contain great ingredients including organic turmeric root extract, organic Ashwagandha Root powder, rhodiola root powder, and American ginseng root extract.

These ingredients are often referred to as “nootropics.” Nootropics are designed to help improve your brain function, so they’re not a bad addition to the formula. The problem is the size of the mood boosting adaptogen blend is simply way too small. Also, it’s a stretch to count these nutrients as superfoods. You can start to see the recurring theme here…they constantly use great ingredients but always severely under dose the ingredients.

Waist Slimming Blend

Here’s the biggest problem with the Skinny Greens supplement in my opinion. It includes what they refer to as a “waist slimming blend.” Firstly, this is very misleading because it’s nearly impossible to specifically target your waist, or any area of your body for that matter, when it comes to weight loss.

Also, the blend is super weak at only 320 milligrams per serving. It contains glucomannan, coconut water powder, green tea leaf extract, organic matcha, and apple cider vinegar. These nutrients are all pretty solid fat burners, but again, they are way under-dosed. It’s highly unlikely for this blend to cause weight loss in my opinion. Do not fall for the marketing gimmicks! I have personally found apple cider vinegar specifically to be effective, but in order for apple cider vinegar to produce benefits, the dosage has to be much higher in my opinion.

If you’re serious about achieving your weight loss goals, you should consider a truly top notch green powder supplement. Superfood powders can be very effective at helping you lose weight due to the very high amounts of fiber, protein, amino acids, and antioxidants that the natural ingredients contain. I personally use my green powder as a meal replacement supplement, which helps reduce my calorie intake, boost my energy levels, and enhance my immune system function throughout the day.

It’s also always worth noting that in order to achieve a healthy weight, you can not fully depend on a supplement. Healthy weight is achieved primarily via maintaining a proper diet and regularly exercising. Can supplements help you achieve a healthy weight? Yes, they can help, but they will not do all of the work for you. You need to be strict in other areas of your life such as diet and exercise in order to truly reach a healthy weight.

skinny fit skinny greens nutrition facts

Skinny Greens dosage: How much Skinny Greens should you take & when?

According to the instructions on the label, Skinny Greens is meant to be taken once daily, and the serving size is 1 scoop (8.2 grams). You simply mix in a scoop of Skinny Greens with a glass of water or juice, down it, and you’re good to go. The problem is that the taste is very bad…this is a problem that a lot of people have with superfood powders, but I have a solution for you.

Skinny Fit does not specify when you should take the supplement, but in my opinion, it’s best to take greens supplements in the morning so that your body can utilize and benefit from the nutrients throughout the day. Additionally, in order to improve the taste, I personally recommend mixing it in with your favorite juice. Well, I don’t recommend this particular product at all…but with regard to greens powders in general, mixing it in with juice helps a lot.

Better yet, you can mix your green powder in with a smoothie, which is what I personally do every morning. I’ll give you my personal recipe, which has been amazing for my gut health, immune system, and weight management goals. I mix in one scoop of my green powder with almond milk, bananas, and organic non GMO peanut butter. This recipe is amazing, and it really masks the taste of the greens.

Skinny Greens pros and cons

Here are the benefits and side effects of Skinny Greens.

Skinny Greens benefits

The Skinny Greens benefits you may experience could include boosted immunity, improved digestion, boosted energy levels, and enhanced gastrointestinal function. At least, these are the benefits the supplement is designed to produce, but we don’t see it as potent enough to do so. I don’t want to keep harping on this point too much, but it really is the most important takeaway of this whole review.

Additionally, as the name implies, one of the Skinny Greens benefits is meant to be weight loss. As we discussed before, it’s pretty unlikely that a supplement this weak would be able to actually produce weight loss benefits, but you never know. Based on the fact that it only contains 320 milligrams worth of fat burning ingredients, I’d be willing to bet you will not get good results with this supplement.

An actual high end green juice superfood powder (we have reviewed quite a few of them) can produce a wide array of benefits rated to digestion, immunity, energy levels, and more. However, not just any run of the mill green juice superfood powder can produce these kinds of benefits. I have tried several in my life, and only a couple produced truly noticeable benefits that I could feel. The bottom line is simply that green juice superfood powder supplements ONLY work if they contain large enough dosages, and that’s not the case with this one.

Skinny Greens side effects

Skinny Greens does contain a stimulant in the “waist slimming blend.” This stimulant is green tea leaf, which contains caffeine. Caffeine can produce side effects including jitters, headaches, cramps, and upset stomach. However, I wouldn’t be too worried about this because there is not much of it in here.

Superfoods and vegetables do not cause side effects generally, so the Skinny Greens side effects should be minimal to nonexistent. Just don’t take it at night or it may keep you up due to the caffeine it contains. Many green powders contain a small amount of caffeine since they all use green tea leaf, which is why I always recommend taking your green drink in the morning.

Skinny Greens complaints & praise (info from real customer Skinny Greens reviews)

Let’s take a look at some actual Skinny Fit Skinny Greens reviews submitted by real customers to find out what people are saying about the product. Our analysis of the supplement facts panel is enough for us to draw a conclusion, but it doesn’t hurt to look at the customer reviews.

On Amazon, there are 2,650 Skinny Greens reviews, and the product received an average rating of 4 out of 5 stars. This is a pretty solid mark, but the ratings certainly could be better. There are a lot of concerning negative reviews. 30% of users rated it between 1-3 stars.

In terms of complaints, the biggest one appears to be that it simply doesn’t work. Most people had expectations of weight loss and are complaining that it didn’t help them lose weight. There are also several complaints that it is “not worth the price.”

Is Skinny Greens good or bad? Our conclusion

Bottom Line: All things considered, Skinny Fit Skinny Greens is not a good superfood powder by any means, and I do NOT recommend it. I view it as incredibly overpriced and believe that it is pretty severely lacking in the superfood department, which is a significant issue for obvious reasons. It also can be misleading in my opinion with regard to the supplement name implying that it can help you get skinny, which I am not sure it is capable of doing.

I hope this review has been helpful. Be sure to check out our Best Greens Powders article to learn about several superfood supplements that are significantly better than this one! Don’t let the fact that this product isn’t great give you a negative outlook on green drinks. A really top shelf green drink can be a true life changer…I know it has been for me!

Are there any Skinny Greens coupon codes or promo discount vouchers?

There are no available Skinny Greens coupon codes at the time of writing unfortunately. To make matters worse, Skinny Greens is pretty severely overpriced considering the lack of potency. It is priced as if it’s a high end superfood powder, when in reality it is a very below average supplement. The marketing is also very misleading as there is no evidence whatsoever that would lead me to believe this can actually help you lose weight as the name implies.


  1. See Skinny Greens Reviews on Amazon
  2. Nutritional Quality and Antioxidant Activity of Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum) Unwrap by Proteome Profiling and DPPH and FRAP assays

  3. Spirulina in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Human Applications

  4. Chlorella vulgaris: A Multifunctional Dietary Supplement with Diverse Medicinal Properties

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).