Have you seen the photos of athletes and bodybuilders putting red lights up their noses? If you haven’t, you will soon. These athletes are undergoing red light therapy, which is quickly becoming a top health trend around the country. Red light therapy, or...
From pet rocks to bellbottoms, the 1970s had way too many fads to even remember—and fitness fads were no exception. But as quaint as some of them seem now, they helped change people’s perceptions about the importance of exercise. Here are three fads from the 1970s...
It’s no surprise that Americans struggle with their health. Compared to other countries, our portions are bigger, we exercise less and our food quality is poor. It’s no wonder we aren’t as fit as we want to be. However, some states have taken the necessary steps to...
Hugh Jackman is an undeniable fitness icon. For more than a decade, the actor has played the adamantium-laced Wolverine, wielding mega muscles and a seriously ripped body. And while his Hollywood special effects team does a great job giving Jackman superhuman powers,...
The Master Cleanse. Vegetarianism. The Mediterranean Diet. The Whole 30. Health-minded people are always looking for new ways to cut calories, eat cleaner and achieve true wellness. Although the idea has been around for decades, one common eating plan is currently...