ABulk Review 2023 (Is This Steroid Alternative Any Good?)

by Joe Costello, CNC | Steroid Alternatives

ABulk bagABulk is one of our highest rated steroid alternatives. In this ABulk review, we will discuss what makes it so much better than most of the other supplements out there. The creator of this Anadrol alternative, Brutal Force, has quickly become the leader in the steroid alternative industry.

Other names that used to be prevalent in this space have fallen to the wayside as Brutal Force just continues to create superior products. They repeatedly make supplements that are simply more potent, more effective, and overall better than their competitors. It’s really that simple.

See how ABulk stacks up to other options here: Best Steroid Alternatives Comparison.

ABulk review 2022: Is ABulk any good?

ABulk is one of the best steroid alternatives on the market because of the high quality ingredients, proper standardization, and high overall potency. It provides about 900 milligrams of total nutrients per serving, which is slightly lower than our top ranked legal steroid, but still very impressive. More on the ingredients later!

Where to buy ABulk pills at the best price

First of all, how much does ABulk cost? Let’s take a look at where to buy ABulk & get the cheapest deal on prices:



Check Current Pricing

Direct From Manufacturer


Not available anywhere else


Are there any ABulk coupon codes or promo discount vouchers?

There are currently no ABulk discount codes available at the time of writing this review. However, the price of ABulk is already pretty low, so we aren’t too concerned about finding promo codes here. Additionally, if you get it directly from the manufacturer, they will give you a good deal, especially if you buy multiple bags. Click the link above to see their official website.

What does ABulk do?

What does ABulk do for you? ABulk combines several powerful ingredients that work synergistically together to help enhance muscle growth and recovery. It is designed to produce the same benefits as the illegal steroid Anadrol. It’s obviously not as powerful, but it still does a great job at accelerating muscle growth.

ABulk ingredients list

The main ingredients of ABulk are:

  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Bulbine Natalensis
  • Muira Puama
  • Eurycoma Longifolia (Longjack)
  • Acetyl-l-Carnitine HCL

1. Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is a well known testosterone booster, which might make it seem like a basic and unimpressive ingredient at first glance. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth in this case. The difference in ABulk is that the Tribulus Terrestris is standardized to 45% saponins, which makes it significantly more effective since saponins are the active compound within Tribulus.

On top of that, the dosage is 600 MG per serving, which is the largest on the market by far. Testosterone is your most important anabolic hormone, so this is a very significant component of this formula.

2. Bulbine Natalensis

Bulbine Natalensis may be a difficult ingredient to pronounce, but it’s pretty simple to understand. According to WebMD, it is a natural plant extract that is used to boost testosterone and increase muscle mass. It is one of many ingredients in ABulk designed to catapult your test levels into overdrive to boost anabolism.

3. Eurycoma Longifolia

More commonly known as Longjack, Eurycoma Longifolia is a natural plant extract that this study shows has the potential to elevate your serum testosterone levels in a matter of weeks. It’s important to make sure ingredients have clinical studies to back the claims being made about them, and Longjack is one that has been pretty extensively studied.

4. Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL

L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is most well known for its ability to help burn fat and aid muscle recovery. It’s not necessarily a super exciting ingredient, but amino acids play a key role in muscle growth and recovery processes and make for a great addition to this formula because of that fact.

ABulk pros and cons

Here are the benefits and side effects of ABulk.

ABulk benefits

The “bulk” of the benefits users can experience from supplementing with ABulk actually come specifically from the 600 milligram dosage of 45% saponin standardized Tribulus in my opinion. I believe that this large of a dosage of such a powerful ingredient standardized to this high of a level of saponins can make a world of difference in the gym.

Remember, when it comes to bulking and gaining muscle mass in general, it’s all about testosterone. If you can boost testosterone levels, you will almost inevitably make gains assuming you are putting in the work at the gym. The benefits of ABulk may include increased strength, improved stamina, higher sex drive, and enhanced muscle growth & recovery.

ABulk side effects

ABulk contains strictly natural ingredients, which makes it pretty unlikely to produce side effects. After all, the whole point of an alternative to Anadrol is to avoid the side effects that come with Anadrol, right? It’s safe to say that no steroid alternative is going to be as effective as the steroid itself, but the bright side is you generally won’t have to deal with side effects.

ABulk complaints & praise (info from real ABulk customer reviews)

ABulk just came out this year and has not yet been listed on Amazon, which is where we typically find customer reviews and gather the data for analysis. However, it has made such a big splash in the space, that many third party ABulk reviews have surfaced.

We weren’t able to find any negative ABulk reviews. It appears that just about everyone who has tried this stuff has positive things to say about it, although some people got more significant results than others. My guess is the people who got better results had a better gym routine and diet.

Is ABulk worth it? Our conclusion

In our opinion based on the Supplement Facts Panel, ABulk is worth it. After SFP analysis, research, and testing, we think it’s safe to say ABulk is one of the best steroid alternatives on the market right now. We strongly recommend it, but make sure you get it directly from the manufacturer in order to save money! We provided the link below.



Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).