Test X180 Review: Legit Testosterone Booster Or All Hype?

by Joe Costello, CNC | Testosterone Boosters

Test X180 testosterone boosterTest X180 is a testosterone booster manufactured by Force Factor. It used to be a fairly popular product, but many testosterone boosters have surpassed this one in both quality of ingredients and overall effectiveness since Test X180 first came out.

Force Factor chose to improve this product by producing two different modified versions, called Test X180 Ignite and Test X180 Alpha. Read this Test X180 review to find out why I (as a Certified Nutrition Coach) do NOT recommend it. While I don’t recommend ANY versions of Test X180, but you can click here find my most highly ranked testosterone supplements: top testosterone boosters.

Force Factor Test X180 review by a Certified Nutrition Coach: Is Test X180 any good?

To be quite frank, no, Test X180 is not any good and neither are the other two versions of this supplement. They are all simply average, run of the mill test boosters. It does not have exceptionally high overall potency, lacks key ingredients, and simply doesn’t stand out it any regard.

My biggest problem with it is that aside from the large dosage of D Aspartic Acid, it only provides a total of 760 MG worth of testosterone boosting ingredients per serving (two capsules). For perspective, our top ranked boosters provide between 2,000-3,000 MG per serving.

So, you can see how it is actually pretty weak, comparatively speaking. The only dosage that is high enough is the D Aspartic Acid dosage. I will examine the full Supplement Facts Panel later in the review, and you may think that the ingredients sound impressive, but that’s why it’s important to remember what I am pointing out here, which is that they are very under-dosed (comparatively speaking).

Here’s the thing about testosterone supplements (and dietary supplements in general): when it comes to the ingredients, you need both quality AND quantity. You can’t just have one or the other. It doesn’t matter if a testosterone supplement contains high quality ingredients if the ingredients aren’t dosed properly (which again is the case here with every ingredient except for D Aspartic Acid)…it kind of defeats the purpose, which is to increase testosterone levels.

My Personal Experience And Results Taking Force Factor Test X180

When I write a supplement review, I always make sure to do two things: First, I analyze the Supplement Facts Panel (SFP). This allows me to determine whether or not the supplement contains the proper ingredients in the correct dosages, provides high enough potency, standardization of ingredients, etc. Secondly, I then personally test the product myself to ensure my analysis is in fact accurate.

When I tried Test X180, my personal experience was not very good at all…to say the least. It didn’t give me wild side effects or anything like that…it simply didn’t work. I didn’t experience any benefits or feel any improvement in the gym or in the bedroom…both of which are areas I expect to notice improvement in when I’m taking a testosterone booster.

I would say the one positive effect it had on me was a pretty solid energy boost. My energy levels were definitely higher while I was taking it, but if you look at the nutrition facts, you can see there’s a pretty big dosage of caffeine in there…so that was probably why it helped boost energy.

This is actually a common thing with testosterone supplements…they want you to think your energy levels are higher because you are experiencing increased testosterone levels, when in reality, it’s just because the supplement contains caffeine or some other sort of stimulant. Force Factor Test X180 actually contains two different forms of caffeine, which I see as a bit deceptive since caffeine has nothing to do with testosterone levels.

Bottom Line: This was just a very low potency product that I simply did not get good results with personally. Therefore, as a Certified Nutrition Coach, I’d never recommend Force Factor Test X180 to any of my clients or readers.

What does Force Factor Test X180 do?

What does Test X180 do for you? It’s designed to help your body naturally produce more testosterone through a combination of natural herbs and vitamins. The problem is there’s only a total of 760 milligrams per serving aside from the D Aspartic Acid, which is very low compared to the truly effective testosterone supplements. All that to say, it probably doesn’t do much of anything at all…or at least it didn’t for me.

What About Test X180 Legend?

Force Factor Test X180 Legend is their “latest and greatest” version of the supplement. Test X180 Legend is arguably the worst version. The entire overall potency of Test X180 Legend is only 700 milligrams. So, it’s somehow actually less potent than the original version.

I’m not sure why so many people are interested in the Test X180 Legend supplement specifically, because from what I can tell based on the supplement facts panel, it’s quite literally worse than the original. I have not tried Test X180 Legend, but based on the nutrition facts, I don’t plan on ever trying it…nor would I ever recommend it to anyone.

The bottom line is that Force Factor Test X180 Legend is NOT an improved version of the original Test X180. The formula is almost exactly the same. The only difference I can see is that they added the word “Legend” to the name of the product.

If you don’t believe me, take a look at the nutrition facts for yourself. Here is a photo of the Force Factor Test X180 supplement facts. Notice that there is almost no difference when comparing it to the original label I posted below…

Force factor test x180 legend nutrition facts

Test X180 ingredients list

Here are the primary Force Factor Test X180 ingredients:


Fenugreek is an herbal ingredient that was first discovered for its ability to help enhance athletic performance. Early studies showed that it helped athletes achieve better results in the gym, and later studies showed that this may be due to the effect it has on testosterone levels. It would make sense that if it does in fact boost your test levels, you would then perform better athletically.


Ginseng is an Asian herb that has long been touted as a natural aphrodisiac due to the effect it can have on your sexual vitality. It is typically used to boost libido and improve overall sexual health, which is why it earned its place in many testosterone supplement formulas on the market. Men want more testosterone to be physically and sexually healthy, and Ginseng can potentially help.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is an herbal ingredient that has become a staple in the test booster industry, and for good reason. Many studies have shown that this natural ingredient has the potential to increase testosterone with regular use. Many users have reported benefits primarily related to libido and overall sexual health.

Cordyceps Sinensis

Cordyceps Sinensis is a mushroom that is believed to be able to directly impact testosterone levels as well as increase sperm count and motility. There is some research to support these claims, but not enough for us to definitively say it can accomplish these things. Additionally, we don’t know the dosage size within this specific formula because of the proprietary blend.

Here is a photo of the nutrition facts and full ingredient list…

Test X180 nutrition facts

Force Factor Test X180 pros and cons

Here are the benefits and side effects…


We don’t believe the user should expect much in the way of health benefits. With only 400 milligrams in every serving, it’s highly unlikely you get any sort of significant benefits. Plus, they use a proprietary blend, which means we don’t know if the individual dosage sizes are large enough, making the chances it produces benefits even less likely.

With all that said, testosterone supplements in general have the potential to produce benefits such as better stamina, improved libido, more energy, improved sexual vitality and increased lean muscle mass. It may not be the ideal option, but if you look at some top shelf test boosters, you can find some really awesome supplements.

Side effects

Generally, side effects are going to be pretty unlikely in this case for two reasons. First, the formula is most likely too weak to produce any real effects to begin with. Side effects generally come from supplements that are too strong, or at least strong enough to produce positive effects.

Second, the formula is 100% natural, and natural ingredients typically don’t produce severe side effects to begin with. Some people have reported headaches and upset stomach, but these types of side effects aren’t common if you are properly using the test booster.

Force Factor Test X180 Reviews From Other Real Customers on Amazon

While our primary analysis is based on the Supplement Facts Panel, or SFP, it’s important to take user feedback into account. To find verified user reviews we can trust, we typically turn to Amazon. We found nearly 600 Test X180 reviews there…let’s discuss the findings.

It received an average rating of 4.1 out of 5, and about 60% of users rated it 5 stars. This information is pretty surprisingly positive, but it’s still nowhere near enough to convince us this formula is any good.

On the flipped side, about 25% of users rated it 3 stars or less, so the reviews are pretty mixed overall. Regardless, let’s not forget the facts…you are getting 400 MG per serving of a weak proprietary blend that contains 5 total ingredients. Suffice it to say, it doesn’t come anywhere close to being considered elite or top-shelf.

Is Test X180 worth it? My Conclusion

While it’s not the worst testosterone supplement I have ever seen, it certainly is not the best. There are improved versions of this testosterone booster that were produced by the same manufacturer. but neither of them are much of an improvement in my opinion.

To cut to the chase for those interested in fast answers, I do NOT recommend any versions of Force Factor Test X180.

In addition, there are many other testosterone supplements I would recommend over any of the different versions of Test X180. Ignite is an improved version that will be more effective for those who are trying to boost their metabolism and lose fat, while Alpha is an improved version that is designed to help pack on muscle.

Although these two versions are better than the original Test X180, they still are nowhere near as good as some of the truly top notch testosterone supplements I have reviewed. I recommend you check out my top 5 ranked T boosters instead.

TestoGen is our #1 ranked testosterone booster (and the one I personally take myself when I need to boost testosterone levels), but I have reviewed a whole bunch of them, and you can find all of the reviews in our Testosterone Boosters section.


Is Test X180 safe?

Generally speaking, Test X180 should be safe for most people. This is really a question better suited for your doctor, but the formula doesn’t contain any major “red-flag” ingredients. However, we should note that instead of Fenugreek, it uses an altered version known as TestoFen, and the creators of TestoFen are currently in some legal trouble.

Can you buy it at the Vitamin Shoppe?

Yes, this particular supplement is actually available over the counter in stores like the Vitamin Shoppe and GNC. It’s actually also available at Walmart last I checked. However, you are generally going to pay a higher price by going to a Vitamin Shoppe as opposed to shopping online where you can get special offers and better deals in general.

How long does it take to work?

If you’re waiting for it to work, you might be waiting a long time…it severely lacks potency. However, if it did work, it would likely only take a few days to begin kicking in. I have personally experienced results almost immediately with some of the higher end supplements.

Are the Ignite and Alpha versions any better?

Yes and no. The new and improved versions are slightly better, but we still don’t recommend either one. They have the same problems – low overall potency, proprietary blends, etc. At the end of the day, pretty much all of the Force Factor T Boosters (including Test X180 Legend) are going to be products I would recommend avoiding.


  1. Fenugreek and Its Effects on Muscle Performance: A Systematic Review

  2. Biological Activities of Ginseng and Its Application to Human Health

  3. Effects of Tribulus terrestris L. on Sport and Health Biomarkers in Physically Active Adult Males: A Systematic Review

  4. The effects of d-aspartic acid supplementation in resistance-trained men over a three month training period: A randomised controlled trial

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).