Aloha Protein Powder Review: Is It Any Good? My Results!

by Joe Costello, CNC | Protein Powders

Aloha protein powder supplementAloha Protein Powder is an organic protein supplement that claims to be able to fill you up and keep you energized due to their plant based protein. There are many other organic, plant based formulas on the market today, and trying to find the right one to fit your workout needs and dietary restrictions can be very difficult. Read this Aloha Protein Powder review or look through the list of Best Protein Powders to discover some options that are MUCH better than this one.

Benefits of Aloha Protein Powder

  • Organic
  • Keeps you energized
  • Good for vegans

What Is Aloha Protein Powder?

Aloha Protein Powder is an alternative protein supplement for those with dietary restrictions and a desire to eat organic products. Organic products are definitely much better for you, but are plant based proteins?

If you have a dietary restriction, then we would definitely recommend a plant based protein. Otherwise, finding the right non-plant based protein can be much more beneficial in the long run due to the complete amino acid profile and naturally occurring BCAAs they contain.

How Does Aloha Protein Powder Work?

Aloha Protein Powder works by utilizing plant based protein to help keep you energized and full throughout your day. It also helps your body digest the necessary proteins it needs to get through a strenuous workout, build muscle mass, and recover so you can him the gym even harder next time.

Aloha Protein Powder ingredients

Protein Blend

The plant based protein blend used by Aloha Protein Powder includes organic hemp seed protein, organic pumpkin seed protein, and organic pea protein. We usually put a pretty big emphasis on how important it is to make sure that you are getting all of your protein from either one or two sources, and that the more sources in a protein blend, the worse it actually is.

This is NOT the case with plant based proteins. The difference between plant based proteins and non-plant based proteins is that plant based proteins lack the complete amino acid profile that you can find in non-plant based proteins. You can complete the amino acid profile by combining different sources of protein from different places (in this case hemp seed, pumpkin seed, and peas).


BCAAs are also known as branched chain amino acids and are extremely efficient ways to get the protein and energy you need. These amino acids are incredibly important when considering muscle growth and rate of recovery.

Many brands of protein do not include additional BCAA in their blends because they believe that the BCAA that occurs naturally in protein is enough. Additional BCAA can make a huge difference in your workouts, and if your favorite protein blend does not have additional BCAA, we would heavily recommend you order some today.

Nutritional Information

In one serving of Aloha Protein Powder, you can expect to find:

  • Calories: 150
  • Total Fat: 4.5g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 190mg
  • Potassium: 360mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 10g
  • Protein: 18g

Aloha Protein Powder has a pretty average nutrition label when compared against most plant based and even non-plant based protein supplements. Unfortunately, one of the most important parts of this powder is the only one that’s a little lower than average. At 18g of protein, you can find many, many other plant based protein powders that have more to offer.

My Results And Personal Experience with Aloha Protein Powder

Right off the bat, when I look at the nutrition facts, I already strongly dislike this supplement. BUT, supplement fact panel analysis can’t substitute for personal experience, so I figured I’d try it myself just to be sure I really don’t like it. After all, as a Nutrition Coach, a lot of my clients ask me about the Aloha brand. I haven’t been quite sure what to tell them, so I bought a jar to test it out, and here’s what happened…

First of all, this stuff does not taste good. I knew immediately that I was not going to be finishing this jar of protein just because of how bad it tasted. Secondly, it only has 18 grams of protein powder per serving compared to the industry average of 25. I know that doesn’t sound like a big difference, but I’m telling you, you can feel it. I noticed that my muscle growth and recovery was not as advanced as it normally is while I was taking Aloha.

Lastly, I generally use my protein powder as my post workout meal…and that’s another area where the 7 grams of protein it is missing really makes a difference. If you are going to use protein powder as a meal replacement, you need enough protein to feel full…and well, simply put, Aloha does not contain enough protein. I felt myself still feeling hungry even after consuming the shake.

Bottom Line: My results with Aloha Protein Powder were not good, and I would never recommend this product based on the combination of my negative personal experience and my analysis of the nutrition facts.

Pros of Aloha Protein Powder

  • Helps build muscle
  • Promotes reduced recovery time
  • Tastes good

Cons of Aloha Protein Powder

  • No additional BCAAs
  • Low protein quantity
  • Too many carbs

Aloha Protein Powder Conclusion

The bottom line is that Aloha Protein Powder just did not seem to impress us, even compared to other vegan/organic protein powders. We have reviewed many other vegan products that had higher amounts of protein, and less carbs. If you do not have any dietary restrictions, I would like to urge you to consider checking out the list of Best Protein Powders of the year to discover the truly elite, top shelf protein supplements.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).