Isopure Zero Carb Protein Powder Review (Ingredients, Pros, & Cons)

by Joe Costello, CNC | Protein Powders

Isopure Zero Carb ReviewIsopure Zero Carb has the appearance of being a very healthy product because they put “zero carb” in the name, but it may not be as healthy as it appears…

It contains a rather high sodium count, which can potentially cause fat gain, and it uses whey protein isolate instead of the far superior: whey protein hydrolysate.

Read this Isopure Zero Carb Protein Powder review to learn why we don’t recommend it…OR, save yourself some time and check out my list of the top 10 best Whey Protein Powders instead…

Company Profile

Nature’s Best generally has very nutritious products that often come highly recommended by nutritionists. I would personally recommend several of their other products, but I don’t think I would recommend this one. They have plenty of good products but protein powder is not necessarily their specialty.

Isopure Zero Carb Ingredients

Isopure Zero Carb contains 50 grams of protein in every serving! That’s twice the standard amount! This product also contains only 10 mg of cholesterol, which is one of the lowest I have seen! Another interesting characteristic about this product is the protein blend. The protein blend contains strictly whey protein isolate, which is the second best choice of protein. This is one of the top 3 protein blends I have ever come across.

However, like I said before, is not as healthy as it sounds. Although it contains a ton of protein, a solid protein blend, and zero carbs, there are several downsides to this product.

First of all,  it contains an amino acid blend, but a very weak one and not very much of it (BCAA count is way too low). Second, each serving contains 210 calories, which compared to many other products reviewed on our site, is pretty high. Third, it has possibly the highest sodium count I have ever seen in a protein powder at 320 mg! That is unbelievably high, and sodium is obviously not the most nutritious ingredient. Take a look for yourself!

Isopure Zero Carb Protein Powder Ingredients

Is IsoPure Zero Carb Effective?

I would personally not take Isopure Zero Carb so I again can not speak to its effectiveness on a personal level, however, based on the nutrition label (labels don’t lie), it should be effective due to the high protein per serving, but the amino profile is weak and there’s way too much sodium.

BCAAs are key to muscle growth and recovery, so without a high BCAA count, you probably won’t see as much results than you would taking a product that uses the best type of protein (100% hyrdolysate) and that contains a higher Branch Chain Amino Acid profile.

However, it does contain 50 grams of protein, and at least it has some sort of amino acid blend, so there are far less quality protein powders on the market.

Isopure Zero Carb Taste

There is just absolutely no way this product doesn’t taste good based off of the fact that each serving contains 320 milligrams of sodium.  Not surprisingly, others who reviewed this product said that it tasted great, although some said it was too sweet (which would make sense considering how high the sodium count is).

IsoPure Zero Carb Reviews From REAL Users

It’s important to have a look at what users are saying in their reviews before buying a product, and one of the best places to find consumer reviews is on Amazon.

Of course, our review is based on the nutrition label and supplement facts, but it can also be helpful to take personal experience into account…let’s see what people had to say on Amazon.

Isopure Zero Carb has over 9,000 reviews on Amazon, and the vast majority of them are positive. In fact, 63% of users gave it a 5 star rating, which is very impressive. About 25% of the reviews are negative, but overall the consensus seems to be that it’s a great protein powder.

Even though the reviews are positive, the issue I still have with the product is that it uses whey protein isolate, and we know now (in late 2018) that whey protein hydrolysate is FAR superior…ever since researchers discovered whey protein hydrolysate, I refuse to buy anything else.

The Pros

  • 50 grams of protein per serving
  • Very low cholesterol
  • Zero carbs
  • Almost no fat

The Cons

  • Contains a TON of sodium
  • BCAA count is VERY low


Any product that made it into our top 10 rankings is going to be a great product. It is on this list for a reason. However, compared to some of the products above it on the list, it is just average. There is a large amount of protein in every serving, but also a ton of sodium. As I have mentioned time and time again, BCAAs are crucial, and this product does not contain anywhere near enough. Like I said before, it has to be a good product to make this list, but compared to the rest, it’s just average.

Certified Nutrition Coach at JNC Enterprises Inc.

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).

Hi, I’m Joe Costello CNC

I’m not just a supplement analyst. I’m an extremely qualified one! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) and actually received my certification directly from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am also a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, certified by the American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA).